Special OCAPA Discount at City Infrastructure Summit May 29
The Association of California Cities-Orange County is holding their 5th Annual City Infrastructure Summit on Thursday, May 29th from 7:15 am to 2:30 pm at the Costa Mesa Hilton. The theme of this year’s summit is Strategic Innovation, Renewed Investment and will cover transportation, energy, technology, and water infrastructure. Speakers include Undersectretary Brian Annis of the California State Transportation Agency and Director Mark Cowin of the California Department of Water Resources. RebuildIndy initiative founder Mayor Gregory Ballard of Indianapolis. ACC-OC has kindly offered a low rate to OCAPA members.
Use the promo code OCAPA when registering online for the discounted rate of $129 instead of $169. For details and to register visit:http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=8e695f3f-9cfa-411b-b68a-53ccef550bd6&c=e7e64a40-5c38-11e3-b88b-d4ae528eaf6c&ch=e7eb2c40-5c38-11e3-b88b-d4ae528eaf6c