We received an update from APA California regarding SB 649:
SB 649 passed out of its first committee (the author is the chair so that was expected) and is now headed to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee. What wasn’t expected was the lengthy discussion on the bill during the committee hearing, with many committee members giving a “courtesy” vote, asking for the author to address many of the substantial concerns raised by APA California and other local government associations, as it moves to the next committee. Members also reserved the right to vote no if our issues are not resolved before the bill is heard on the Senate floor for a vote. One of the committee members who raised concerns is the chair of Senate Governance and Finance committee, Assembly Member Mike McGuire, so now is the time to send in opposition letters before it reaches his committee, as the bill will likely be heard sometime in mid- to late April.
Please send your letter to Governance & Finance Committee staff: Anton.Favorini-Csorba@sen.ca.gov and the author’s staff: Nidia.Bautista@sen.ca.gov. Please also make sure you send a copy of the letter to your local Senator and Assembly Member and one to me for my records. APA California will be drafting a new coalition letter next week after our meeting with committee staff and will post the letter online for your reference.
For more information, contact Bill Rodrigues, Orange Section Liaison or Lauren de Valencia y Sanchez, APA California Lobbyist.