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Get involved with OC-APA!

Below is an excerpt from the APA Orange Section Bylaws detailing the duties and responsibilities for each position.

Interested in getting involved but not sure where to start? Or want to learn more about the Board responsibilities and time commitments? Contact OC-APA Section Director, Stephanie Tomaino, AICP by e-mailing:

ELECTED POSITIONS (Two-Year Terms: 2023 & 2024)

Submit your candidate statement by Monday, November 28th online HERE!

Vice Director for AICP Certification

The Vice Director for AICP Certification must be AICP certified in order to seek the position. The duties of the Vice Director for AICP Certification shall be:

  • To oversee and administer the AICP Certification budget.

  • To coordinate with the Vice Director of Professional Development and Vice Director of Programs to develop AICP activities, including programs approved for Continued Maintenance (CM). To coordinate and counsel members seeking information and/or applying to take the AICP exam.

  • To coordinate workshops and/or training programs for members preparing to take the AICP exam.

  • To coordinate AICP Certification activities on an as-needed basis with California Chapter representatives and sections.

  • To coordinate website with the Vice Director for Public Information and Web Master to inform members about AICP Certification and maintenance activities.

  • To develop a recognition program for Section members that have passed the AICP examination.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Vice Director for Finance

The duties of the Vice Director for Finance shall be:

  • To facilitate the preparation of the Section’s annual operating budget for review and adoption and to monitor the Section’s finances, in accordance with the California Chapter requirements.

  • To provide financial reports at each of the Section monthly Board meetings.

  • To provide quarterly financial reports to California Chapter in accordance with the California Chapter requirements.

  • To disburse Section funds in accordance with Article 8 of the bylaws.

  • To monitor attendance and collection of funds at Section programs and events.

  • To provide periodic updates and/or articles to members through the website or other social media pertaining to financial activities in the Section.

  • Receive and be held responsible for all funds, dues or assessments, and records of the Section.

  • Submit quarterly financial reports, including an end-of-the-year financial report, to the Chapter to be added to the Chapter tax returns and kept on file in the Chapter offices.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Vice Director for Programs

The duties of the Vice Director for Programs shall be:

  • To oversee, administer and comply with the adopted Programs budget.

  • To develop and coordinate a regularly scheduled monthly program, including advertising future activities and contribute on an as needed basis to the website and social media pertaining to the Section’s Program activities.

  • To preside over the monthly program activities and to oversee the administrative functions, including registration list, name tags and certificates of appreciation to be provided to the guest speakers.

  • To recruit and coordinate the activities of the Program’s Steering Committee.

  • To devise and carry out program activities which extends to all geographic areas of the County and reflects the professional and academic interests of the Orange County Section membership.

  • To contact other professional organizations in Orange County to explore joint participation in Programming activities.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Vice Director for Public Information

The duties of the Vice Director for Public Information shall be:

  • To oversee, administer and comply with the adopted Public Information budget.

  • To provide pertinent section activities information to other organizations and the news media, as directed by the Board.

  • To arrange for the preparation, editing, publishing and distribution of the Section newsletter and coordinate newsletter information with the Web Master for posting on the website.

  • To coordinate and publish articles from each Board member on a quarterly basis.

  • To maintain the website and social media outreach as a valued resource by providing topical information, and articles of interest pertaining to topics pertinent to the County of Orange

  • To work with the Vice Director for Finance and Administration to continue the online ad program and job advertisements placed in the on the Section website.

  • To coordinate OCAPA Public Information activities with California Chapter representatives and sections as directed by the Board.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

  • To ensure an effective transition to the incoming board member, a draft of the first quarter issue shall be prepared and ready for distribution by the outgoing board member.


Submit your interest by Friday, December 9th online HERE!

Awards Chair

The responsibilities of the Awards Chair shall be:

  • To develop a work program and Awards program schedule in conjunction with the Vice Director of Membership for the annual section Awards program.

  • To recruit Committee members and coordinate the activities of the Awards Steering Committee.

  • To conduct sponsorship activities to offset the costs of the Awards program.

  • To coordinate Section Awards activities with California Chapter representatives and sections.

  • To coordinate a quarterly article to the website and social media site pertaining to the Section’s Awards activities.

  • To explore other avenues to obtain award application submittals.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

California Planning Foundation (CPF) Section Liaison

The responsibilities of the CPF Section Liaison shall be to:

  • Provide information to scholarship applicants in the Section.

  • Provide information to section members regarding CPF professional development workshops.

  • Coordinate of the Section’s “Section Challenge” donation for the CPF Scholarship Auction during the APACA fall conference.

  • Help secure donations for auction beyond Section Challenge.

  • Participate in regular conference calls.

  • Use existing Section resources to promote awareness of CPF.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Community and Agency Outreach Liaison

The responsibilities of the Community and Agency Outreach Liaison shall be to:

  • Coordinate with Section Board members to communicate and provide outreach to external community organizations and agencies.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

  • The Community and Agency Outreach Liaison is an appointed position, selected by the Section Board of Directors. The responsibilities of the Community and Agency Outreach Liaison shall be to:

  • Coordinate with Section Board members to communicate and provide outreach to external community organizations and agencies.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Diversity Chair (Membership Inclusion)

The responsibilities of the Diversity Chair shall be to:

  • To promote cultural awareness and diversity in the planning profession to the membership by encouraging professional planners to advocate for equity, reform, and justice throughout the entire community including but not limited to culture, sexual orientation, disability, age, income or class, ethnicity and/or gender.

  • Facilitate a Diversity Summit with the host Conference Committee, an inclusionary session and a meeting of the Planning Diversity Ambassadors at the State conference.

  • Responsible for being a liaison to the California Chapter’s Diversity and Equity Committee and participate in the California Chapter’s Membership Inclusion conference calls.

  • Responsible for being a liaison to the Chapter’s Diversity and Equity Committee and participate in committee conference calls.

  • Collaborate with Chapter Membership Inclusion Officers to organize and participate in the yearly diversity summit at the State Conference.

  • Expand and reach out to community minority groups to promote planning for diversity and continuing participation in the public planning process;

  • Educate members on how to better serve diverse communities;

  • Provide information and resources to community minority groups about planning career paths.

  • Assist the Young & Emerging Planners Group Section Liaison(s) to increase young professional participation in APA programs and events.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Legislative Chair

The responsibilities of the Legislative Chair shall be:

  • To serve as the Section legislative liaison to the California Chapter.

  • To participate in the California Chapter Legislative Review Team activities.

  • To report on legislative activities to the Section Board of Directors and its members.

  • To contribute periodic articles to the website and social media sites pertaining to legislative activities.

  • To coordinate with the Professional Development officer regarding legislative workshop.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Marketing Chair

The responsibilities of the Marketing Chair shall be to:

  • Provide regular updates on an as needed basis to promote Orange Section events, meetings, and other information for Orange Section on the Section’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or other social media accounts.

  • Provide regular support and backup to the web master in updating the website.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.

Planning Commission Liaison

The responsibilities of the Planning Commission Liaison shall be to:

  • Provide regular correspondence and updates to Orange County Planning Commissioners on behalf of the APA Orange Section.

  • To provide a smooth transition to the incoming administration, including such items as administrative information, activity logs, electronic files, a memorandum of procedures, references and other materials.


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